What Makes the Life Between Buildings

What Makes the Life Between Buildings

Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Malaysian citizens are ordered to abide to the Movement Control Order (MCO) which is to perform social distance as a preventive measure towards the spread of Coronavirusas. And recently, there's an upset announcement regarding the extension of the movement which the citizens got to stay at home for about a month. This pandemic really makes everyone frustrated and distress staying home, as just like to stay in a isolated jail. However, while staying in my home, I have received this very interesting unexpected video showing the communal interaction during the quarantine period between built space. 

Quarantined residents in Spain take to their balconies for group exercise

Life Between Buildings

It's interesting to see social interaction and participation of life between buildings. And I do believe that the design of built environment has a significant effect on our mental health and well-being. Besides, the understanding of social sciences has to be applied thoughtfully to the sphere of design and architecture in order to achieve the improvements in social interaction and spaces that respond better to people’s natural psychological preferences.

“A good city is like a good party – people stay longer than really necessary, because they are enjoying themselves.” – Jan Gehl
As during the frustrated quarantine, the people are trying to break the stressful atmosphere with a positive and healthy 'party' by utilizing the courtyard within the apartments. The community activate the public space,creating positive physical environment and providing opportunity for meetings and interaction. Here, you can meet a new friend or greet an old friend. Such a low-intensity contact is an outset for growth of higher intensity interaction as well as to maintain an established contact.

In between the built spaces, we as a designer should always provide the opportunity for the people to discover the space. Just like walking in a city, you could just walk and walk and walk. However, walking is a mode of transport which can be very interesting. Walking is much more than just walking. You can walk and watch, or walk and talk. Life between buildings keep one in touch with social happenings. The opportunity to see and hear other people in a city implies an offer of valuable information about the surrounding social environment in general. Besides, it also could be a source of ideas and inspiration by seeing others in action.

As an architect, we don’t simply design a space but we should have to uncover the quality and emotion of one space. We don’t simply create a path but we reveal any positive possibility and value of the journey.

Gehl, J. (2011). Life between buildings: using public space. Island press. 

Quarantined residents in Spain take to their balconies for group exercise | GMA Digital Retrieved from: